
Acts—The Church Afire is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dynamic churches—congregations that are experiencing phenomenal growth, Christian ministries that God is using to take down walls, churches where souls are being saved and lives transformed—inspire us and make for great reading. The book of Acts, the divinely inspired history of the early church, is all this and more. This encouraging commentary on a marvelous Bible book is sure to challenge all...

felt themselves all one in Christ Jesus. They were ready to break all other bonds, and to yield to the uniting forces that streamed out from His Cross. There never had been anything like it. No wonder that the world began to babble about sorcery, and conspiracies, and complicity in unnameable vices.4 The good news of Jesus was even being whispered in Caesar’s own kitchen (see, for example, Philippians 4:22). How impressive is the scope of the missionary heart. Followers of Christ yearn for the
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